Show HN: Datagridxl2.js – No-nonsense fast Excel-like data table library

Show HN: Datagridxl2.js – No-nonsense fast Excel-like data table library I'm Robbert, the creator of DataGridXL.js. Last month I released version 2 which includes many new features. DataGridXL is a free (and commercial) editable data table library written in ES6. My goal is to develop the most performant & user-friendly spreadsheet-like data table out there: - It has zero dependencies. You don’t need any framework to use DataGridXL. - It is lightweight (~250kb) and easy to use. It does not even require messing with CSS. - It has its own Virtual DOM implementation to prevent DOM errors. - Developer friendly. Supports all modern web browsers Please take a look at the performance demo ( ) to see the difference with other data grids out there. And let us know if you have any suggestions. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or comments! April 5, 2022 at 07:16AM
